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6 Reasons That Decide The Future Of Apple Watch

Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 01:46 IST
By SiliconIndia

# Why it will not change the game: What's the need?

Unlike Smartphone, which we need on daily basis, the need for Smartwatch may arise rarely, if not occasionally. A Forrester survey found that respondents questioned the need for a Smartwatch. Why would anyone buy a Smartwatch when there are fitness bands, heart rate monitors, GPS fitness gadgets and there are many apps that replace a Smartwatch.

# Why it will not change the game: Consumers not excited

In Smartwatch market, few big companies like Samsung, Sony and LG have already entered this segment. The result was not interesting. Not everyone seems to be interested in Smartwatches. Ever since first Smartwatch came from Samsung, only 5 million units have been sold globally. However, Apple sold 74.7 million iPhones in Q4 of 2014 alone.

# Why it will not change the game: Price and obsolescence

Only 5 million units were sold from entire segment of Smartwatch. So far, Smartwatch cost around $200 or less but Apple plans to keep the starting price its Smartwatch to $349. The company plans to further embed jewellery into Smartwatch such as gold. Gold will last longer but technology will not last long. So, the next question that arises is that why would anyone pay for something that will become outdated after few years.
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