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6 Reasons That Decide The Future Of Apple Watch

Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 01:46 IST
By SiliconIndia

# Why it will change the game: A powerful brand

There is a powerful presence of Apple in this world. It dominates the Smartphone market and people enjoy using Apple products. After entering China’s Smartphone market, it completely dominated it and no other company could compete against Apple. Having more than 400 retail stores across the world, Apple will definitely rule the Smartwatch business as well.

# Why it will change the game: Apple's track record

Apple started from a garage and gradually evolved into $231.839 billion enterprise. It is a research-oriented company. Apple’s iPhone was in the research lab 3 years before Apple’s co founder Steve Jobs officially launched it. Same dedication and hard work can be expected in case of the Smartwatch too. iPhone dominated the entire Smartphone market globally and the same can be speculated about Apple watch.
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