Best Multimedia Apps To Spice Up Your Life

Thursday, 20 March 2014, 02:15 IST
By SiliconIndia


Mixbit is a cool video editing app that helps to cut out video snippets and stitch together to make an interesting movie clipping. The software allows to edit together clippings as long as 16 seconds. However one can combine together as many clips of 16 seconds he wishes to make a stretch of video. You can shoot videos through your Smartphone camera, get it edited with the app, and share it across with your friends through social media or other channels. Mixbit is available for Android and iOS platforms.

Pixlr Express  

Pixlr Express is another great photo editing software that combines a vast collection of filters, layers and effects. The app allows cropping and resizing the image and comes with the auto fix feature that lets you to balance the coloring. One can give borders, lay backgrounds and make a college by combining multiple photographs. The amazing color splash feature pops out only the color that you select and decolorizes the rest giving a cool show off. Pixel express also comes with options to remove red eyes and whiten the teeth   around the snaps and enhance the lightning conditions. The direct sharing feature of Pixlr Express allows to share your work easily on Facebook or via e-mail.
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