Best Multimedia Apps To Spice Up Your Life

Thursday, 20 March 2014, 02:14 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: Even though Smartphones are stuffed with hi-fi technologies, it does not make the gadget a ‘serious machine’. All handset manufactures incorporate features that can provide recreation and leisure along with the productivity elements. Loaded with bucketful of apps for music, photography,  videos and much more these gadgets delivers the best multimedia experience. Apps that are specific for Android, Windows Phone OS or iOS, are available for download in the app market. Here we have put together the best multimedia apps that can spice up your life.


As the name of the app transforms a photo face into  3D animated talking avatar. You can take a photo using your mobile camera or upload any photo in your Smartphone to the server to be transformed as the avatar that repeats every word that you utter. PhotoSpeak uses the image manipulation technology together with motion portrait to deliver the experience. One can add real voices together with the animation and make the lip and finger movements to synch with the words you utter.
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