10 Flop Products and Services of 2011

Thursday, 29 December 2011, 02:17 IST
By SiliconIndia

Google Knol waves hand on its way to home 

Google Knol which is said to be the knowledge center next to Wikipedia is now been terminated by Google .It has planned an Exit strategy for Knol content which is transferred to wordPress based platform “Annotum”. Google launched knol in the year of 2008 which existed for three long years as good competitor of Wikipedia.

Yahoo Bid’s Good Bye to Alta vista

The first great search engine may be the second greatest search engine after Google’s arrival has now put up his way off to the glory. Yahoo who is the former customer and the current owner of Alta Vista has decided to ditch Alta vista. The other victims in yahoo’s list is MyBloglog, Delicious,Yahoo!Buzz.
