10 Flop Products and Services of 2011

Thursday, 29 December 2011, 02:10 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: For everything missed, something is gained, and for everything gained, something is missed. The above saying is likely to be common in all the aspects of life. Here is the list of top 10 loosers who flunked miserably from their products and services they promoted in the year 2011.

Cisco’s Flip camcorders

Cisco made an official announcement to withdraw its “Flip” HD camcorders in the month of April .Though this Flip camcorders has brought the success face to Cisco, It has now planned to provide services from businesses in to the home through Linksys products and consumer Telepresence solutions. Cisco has promised to provide Technical support for “Flip” until Dec 2013.

End of Verizon’s unlimited plan

Verizon has put a full stop for its unlimited data plan for its new customers who are planning to buy a smart phone with Verizon, this includes the iphone customers as well, whereas The Existing customers can continue enjoying their unlimited Data according to their plan until they get upgraded to their smart phones .In case of over usage from the limit it has planned to charge $10/GB.

