Battlefield of Tablets: Best Fighters Compared

Monday, 02 July 2012, 15:50 IST
By SiliconIndia

Microsoft Surface

Specifications: Surface is 10.6 inch tablet that runs on touch-enabled Windows 8 operating system and come with rear and front cameras. The tablet comes in storage option ranging from 32 GB to 128 GB and also sports a processor option of ARM or Intel. The low-end ARM version weighs around 680g and the high-end model which runs on PC-style Intel processor weighs 900g. The company didn’t give any further details about its screen resolution, battery life, availability and price.

Strength: Microsoft Surface is said to be the ‘iPad Killer’, so we have to wait a bit to confirm this fact. The tablet does have some interesting stuffs in it to make Apple worry, few mentionable ones are; Touch Cover Keyboard, Integrated Kickstand and VaporMg casing. Surface runs on the upcoming Windows operating system and that makes the tablet compactable will all the programs running on basic Windows PCs. The microSD card slot is one addition spec which is a boom. The customer has wide options as the tablet comes in different model on the basis of processor and storage.

Weakness: Sometime one’s strength can also become their weakness, the presence of Windows operating system also serves as a hindering factor for this tablet. Windows doesn’t have good reputation in tablet market (so far) and Microsoft doesn’t have a huge and vivid app store like Apple’s iTunes and Google’s Play Store.
