7 Hidden Facts About Wearable Computers

Friday, 04 July 2014, 02:10 IST
By SiliconIndia

# Digital glasses: Digital glasses are one of the biggest privacy invading gadgets in the range of other ones. Wearable devices like the Google glass enable its users to record and transfer images in their surrounding whilst receiving information about it. These features are now being available on the normal powered glasses and contact lenses too making it even more difficult to spot the difference between them.  If the devices came with the facial recognition software it would become a bigger problem, where applications like ‘Name tag’ help the user to get information on someone with Facebook and Twitter profiles by simply pointing the device’s camera towards them.

# Wearable medical devices: Wearable medical devices like insulin pumps or glucose monitors are wireless enabled ones these days making them susceptible to the hacking. Apparently, there are reports which show that these devices could be vulnerable as they can be controlled by the hackers to deliver fatal doses to the users. Adding to that, other devices like the pace makers have a harsh effect where it can be accessed to give a powerful shock to its users. Such hazardous incidents have urged the doctors to raise concerns over the issue and the manufacturers to explain about the wireless device threats.

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