6 Reasons To Avoid Cheaper Smartphones

Thursday, 06 March 2014, 02:31 IST
By SiliconIndia

#5 Low-Quality Build Materials

Cheaper Smartphones come with poor quality build materials. They need your careful attention. You would probably want to hold on to a Smartphone for a couple of years carefully. So there are big chances that you may drop it on concrete floors or bump it a few times or even spill water on it.

High-end Smartphones are dust resistant and even water-proof certified at times. They come with IP55 and IP67 certifications to prove the same. Gorilla Glass is a kind of material that these high-end Smartphones possess. Most low-end Smartphones start squeaking and make funny types of noise as you drop them for the first time.

#4 No Android Updates

We know how Smartphone vendors are notoriously late in providing Android updates to their top-of-the-line Smartphones. When it comes to Android updations for budget mobiles, it will remain a unfulfilled dream. If your lower end Smartphone does not get the Android update, the producer may emphasize probably on the devices poor processing speed and RAM; but would be gentle and manipulative in their case unlike how’s it’s been told to you here.

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