5 Things about Amazon Tablet That iPad Lacks

Thursday, 29 September 2011, 22:45 IST
By SiliconIndia
Bangalore: Amazon took the wraps off its much-anticipated Kindle Fire tablet, heating up the already spiced up tablet war.

The iPad dazzles with its high-quality touchscreen, thin frame and its gorgeous interface. Meanwhile, Kindle Fire is more like the cheap date that doesn't have all the bells and whistles but that nevertheless impresses you with its integrated applications and services.

The Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet will be released on November 15 at $ 199 cheaper than the least expensive iPad 2. The tablet features a 7 inch full touch screen, dual core processer, android OS, and the company's new self branded Amazon Silk web browser which is faster than any other web browser.

Comparing to Apple iPad, Kindle Fire lacks camera and 3G wireless connectivity. It is expected to pose serious competition to Apple's iPad due to its affordability and customizable apps. Here are some features in Kindle Fire which Apple lacks.

1. Kindle Fire Runs Flash
Kindle Fire Runs Flash

The Kindle Fire will indeed support Flash, which helps to watch videos online and makes a great experience.
Flash is much-requested feature for the iPad and iPhone, but Apple has shown little interest in including.