5 Big Things Google Might Announce this Week

Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 22:39 IST
By SiliconIndia

3. Google Nexus Tablet

Though there were a lot of speculations as to who would partner with Google to bring out the Nexus tablet. The time to put the speculations and rumors to rest has come. Google’s first Nexus tablet will be manufactured by Asus. Asus have also gone on record to say that the tablets would be out in the market within a months’ time. The tablet will be called Asus Nexus tablet. This tablet will run on the upgraded operating system, Android Jellybean 4.1.

The tablet will have a 7-inch screen and an Nvidia Quad-core processor, along with 1 GB RAM. This device will be priced in the budget section and it will cost around Rs.11,000. Because of its pricing we understand that the Nexus tablets aren’t a competition to iPad or Windows Surface. Though not confirmed there are speculations that the tablet would feature a 5 megapixel camera and a front facing camera that would enable video calling. The tablet is also expected to come with 3G calling support and will also support 4G networks for countries that have a 4G network.
