What These 8 Tech Billionaires Were Up To In Their 20s

Wednesday, 17 April 2013, 01:08 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Even when you try to beat the fact that they are as human as us but then you’ll ultimately end up in awe of them. ‘Awe’ is what these tech billionaires like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Zuckerberg inspire in us. So ever imagined what these tech legends were doing in their twenties? If you think that they were doing what most of us do, like attending college, hanging out with friends, long rides, than you may be proven wrong. Michael Dell for instance was already investing in stocks and precious metals before he graduated high school. And during his early years, Dell and the other seven entrepreneurs were busy laying the foundations for some of today's biggest and most recognizable companies.

If your curiosity is excited about what these 8 tech billionaires were doing in their 20s than read on to know more, as compiled by Business Insider.

#8 Steve Ballmer led a more traditional life during his 20s

During his 20s Steve Ballmer was attending Harvard University where he majored in Mathematics and Economics. After graduating college Baller worked a two-year stint as an assistant product manager at consumer goods company, Proctor & Gamble.

At age 24, Ballmer dropped out of Business School at Stanford and joined Microsoft on June 11, 1980, and became Microsoft's 30th employee, the first business manager hired by Gates.

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