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The Positive Side of the Donald

Tuesday, 03 May 2016, 02:15 IST
By Sashi Reddi

I have written many columns on Trump, the big bad wolf. But to be fair to the Donald (and to burnish my credentials as a serious journalist) let me state some of things I like about him. 

Low taxes, especially zero estate tax: Can you imagine paying hardly any taxes and then passing on all your money to your children tax-free? That’s Trump’s tax plan and I love it. I don’t care how he has convinced his millions of rabid followers that this is a good deal for them, but hey, I’ll take it.I just hope that he has a plan to control those mobs when they see that the rich keep getting richer under his plan while the working class sinks to new lows. Trump the rabble-rouser better evolve credibly into Trump the administrator.

Opening the door to younger/smarter immigrants: Trump has talked about giving instant work visas to foreign students graduating from Harvard and MIT. I say let us also grant immediate access to Chinese students graduating from Peking University and Tsinghua University (Harvard and MIT of China). When I went to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) to study computer science, you had to be in the top 100 out of 100,000 kids to do that. Why not admit any student coming out of the IITs and other such Indian institutions? If the goal is making America great (again), Trump is right to try and round up as many of the brightest minds we can.

American “exceptionalism” is over, if it ever existed: Do you know how many times over the last 30 years that I’ve lived in the U.S. that I had to hearabout how exceptional the U.S. is? I know it is but to hear it every day can be tiresome. Now we have Trump coming along and saying that all Americans are losers (except the Donald, of course) and we lose against the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Russians, and even the Saudis. The only nation we apparently do not lose against is IndiaJWith Trump in charge we can at last acknowledge that yes, we are a tad better than third world countries but we need to watch out because they are rapidly catching up.

Time to pull the plug on the Saudis :I actually like Trump’s isolationism. Our true friends like the UK, Israel, and Germany can defend themselves (and we can always step in if we must). It is time that we stopped propping up the Saudi royal family and the other sheikhs in the hood. We have done this for 30 years, about the same amount of time that they have been funding anti-American hatred. I never understood the love that previous administrations have had for the kingdom, against all sense of justice and righteousness. Trump is right to want to change that. We do need to do something for Japan—as the Donald suggested, perhaps they could pay us for guaranteeing their security.

Tear up those trade deals : The U.S. has helped China become the great power it is through trade deals that enabled them to destroy the manufacturing base of the U.S.. Perhaps the horse has left the barn, but better now than never. The Donald and Bernie are right to question these deals and question their underlying assumptions that they create American jobs and improve our quality of life. There is no doubt that “the 1%” has benefited greatly from trade, but to say that they have been great for the working class is an unsupported assertion that we hear so often that we take as a self-evident truth.

Finally, religion takes a back seat: Under Trump I have no doubt that religion will final take a back seat in American life. Sure, he does not like Muslims, but otherwise it is obvious that he is not a religious man. Just uninformed about Islam, just as he is uninformed aboutso many things. I don’t get how his rabid fans do not see through his lack of Christian zeal—perhaps they do, and do not care. Either way, it is great to see a Republican candidate who does not hide behind the bible to justify his/her lack of empathy on various social causes.

There are things that are likeable about Trump’s policies. I listed a few that matter to me and there are possibly many other such policies that are of interest to Indian Americans. However, he does need to stop spewing hate. Painting entire races, countries, and religions with a broad brush is not only immature and unbecoming, it is plain dangerous. He must end that dangerous rhetoric immediately so that we can begin to appreciate some of his more sensible pronouncements.

There’s a lot to be said for the Donald, if only he shuts up long enough for us to show our appreciation
