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President Nikki Haley Could Save Us From Trumpistan

Monday, 18 January 2016, 22:15 IST
By Sashi Reddi

With Donald “ban the Muslims” Trump, Ted “glowing sand” Cruz, and Ben “rabid dogs” Carson leading the GOP pack, it is not surprising that white supremacist groups forced underground by social stigma have suddenly found a voice. Many have started to come out and actively campaign for Trump, thinking that this is their best chance to take “their” country back and drive all non-white people out, or at least put them in their place.

The unspeakable has suddenly become dinner table conversation. Long suppressed grouses against other races and religions can now be openly discussed in the context of the latest salvo from Trump or Cruz. And there appear to be no limits— I am waiting to see who would be the first to drop the “N” word in a presidential debate. I know it has had a resurgence in private conversations. For the uninitiated, “sand niggers” refers broadly to Arabs but many use it to cover Indians and other South Asians as well.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria writes in his blog that his daughters aged seven and 12 received threats in a late night phone call because the caller believed that Fareed was leading a call for a rape jihad. Apparently, there is a fatwa from Fareed that Muslim men should go out and rape white women in the Midwest. That this is a charge that someone of Fareed’s standing and intellect needs to publicly refute is bizarre but it seems we are all now citizens of Trumpistan.

Trumpistan is that utopia where only white people exist in a Christian nation, ideally served by invisible people to shine shoes, serve Chinese food (with lots of Mayo), do tech support in incomprehensible accents, mow our lawns (without dealing drugs to our kids and raping our wives), and play sport and create music for our amusement.For those of you who are confused by what Trumpistan is, just think of the Caliphate but with Mullah Trump in charge. If someone steals an apple, Sharia law dictates that you cut off his arm. If someone commits a crime, Trump law dictates that we kill the family.

When Nikki Haley gave a reasoned response to Obama’s State of the Union address last week, it was OK for Anne Coulter, firebrand tweeter, to shoot off that we should deport Gov. Haley. Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina, is of Indian descent but born in the United States.

When Bernie Sanders talks of a potential 90 percent tax rate many of my friends get convulsions, as if having a stroke. Bernie’s socialist dogma is unpalatable to many, however there have been no calls for Bernie to be deported to Poland where his father immigrated from.

This touches on the undercurrent of what is permeating through our social fabric at this time. The quietly held belief that white people are the “true” Americans. No matter that many Japanese and Chinese immigrants have been in the U.S. for many generations, having worked on the first railroads. No matter that many blacks have been here almost as long as the whites. And most importantly, native Americans are the original inhabitants of this land. It would appear that all of us are here on a temporary basis, at the will and kindness of the white person.

But this worldview of white entitlement and resentment of minorities is held by only 25 percent of the U.S. population. And therein lies the GOP’s problem. With minorities approaching 50 percent of the population, how does this hardline anti-minority view get a Republican elected to office?

The answer is Nikki Haley.

Just to be clear, La Femme Nikki is no softie. She wants all immigrants to carry their documentation with them at all times to prove that they are here legally. She supports laws allowing gun owners to carry concealed weapons to bars and worked to reduce requirements for training and permits for gun ownership. She is pro-life. Her socially conservative views earned her an endorsement from Sarah Palin when she stood for office in 2010.

Nikki Haley’s response to President Obama’s recent State of the Union speech was an eye opener for many of us. No one, not even the macho grandees of the GOP, had spoken up against the outlandish proposals of Trump until that point. No one had shown that they care for many of us minorities subject to these messages of hate constantly in the media. Nikki Haley comes along, and stands up to Trump’s message of hate and suddenly the GOP is a potentially likeable party that can serve all hard working Americans.

A female Republican candidate would be the best antidote to a Hillary Clinton candidacy. The GOP has blazed a path in American history by abolishing slavery, drafting the law for a woman’s right to vote, electing the first woman to the Congress, electing the first Asian American to the US Senate, and many other notable achievements. All of that history is being squandered away by an electoral strategy shaped by the ranting of Donald Trump.

So once the primaries get over and no one gets the requisite votes for nomination and we have a brokered convention, the GOP should bypass Paul Ryan and look to Nikki Haley as its nominee. President Nikki Haley could save the GOP from Trump and us poor souls from Trumpistan.

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