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Using Learning Management Systems to Accelerate Growth

Saturday, 01 September 2018, 19:01 IST
By SiliconIndia

Using Learning Management Systems to Accelerate Growth

One of the greatest obstacles to growth is the lack of knowledge. Often you don’t know, what you don’t know, or your employees lack the knowledge and skills to take your company to the next level. The solution? Training and education.

One of the easiest ways to do this is through a learning management system, or LMS. LMS’s are software-based systems that allow you to plan, develop, assign, track, document, and generate reports on your training program.

Essentially this is a training system that can include several components. The advantage is that it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection at any time. Courses are typically self-paced, allowing employees to take the time to understand materials and apply them as they progress.

How do you use this system to accelerate growth? Here are a few ways this type of training program can work for you and your company.

Learn Something New Yourself

Due to the rapid advances of technology and the changing business climate of the modern world, every industry is always in flux, and if you are in tech, the advances are even greater and faster. How do you keep up? Besides reading blogs and subscribing to industry newsletters, one way is to constantly add the latest material to your learning management system.

This is a big deal. Information can be added almost instantly, and disseminated widely in a timely manner. You also get a chance to learn something new about your own industry.

At the same time, there are leadership and financial courses that any business leader or manager can benefit from, and if your learning management system is structured to include outside educational courses, you have the opportunity to advance your own knowledge.

Train Your Newest Employees

To accelerate growth, you will need more personnel, and that means doing some hiring. How will you get those new employees up to speed? A thorough training program in your learning management system is the most economical answer.

Much of the learning new employees need to do can be done in a self-directed environment,freeing up staff to continue to do their jobs rather than taking a lot of time out to conduct training. Mundane tasks like human resources training that are still necessary can be automated.

Even more advanced training can be individualized and tailored to specific teams. Using virtual reality, augmented reality, and video training, a lot of learning can be completed without the need for an in-person trainer.

This is especially important for those companies who are hiring remote workers. These employees can take the training anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. They receive the same information regardless of location or time zone. Employees can learn at ideal times for them, whether they are an early bird or a night owl.

As more companies hire remote staff or set up many positions so employees can work at home,this type of training will become a necessity.

Re-Train Your Current Staff

Sometimes your current staff needs a refresher on certain concepts or updates on advancements in your industry. At other times they may be looking to move positions or even apply for promotions.

Whatever the case, they may need new knowledge and skills to move ahead, or to get better at their current positions. The best way to deliver this kind of training is the same way you deliver training for new hires. Ongoing training, educational courses for advancement, and other learning materials can be shared using the same software platform, allowing for a uniform training and education process for everyone.

Validate Your Expertise

One thing your customers look at is your expertise. Are you an authority in your field and niche? What are your qualifications, and can you prove your credentials?

A learning management system allows you to do just that. Courses that include certifications,licensing, and even degrees can be a part of your training programs. You and your staff have the ability to showcase your expertise to clients and customers, in addition to the valuable knowledge you will gain.

We also know that search engines look at the authority and expertise of your website as well,and your qualifications are a part of their evaluation. Not only does content matter, but who wrote that content matters too. Your expertise has an impact on your search engine rankings and the organic traffic you earn from them. Validating your expertise also lets search engines understand who you are and why you are an expert who should be trusted.

Branch Out

Are you adding a new product or service? As a new startup, you probably began with a product or service you knew well, but often, there are related items you discover and add to your business as you go along. How do you train yourself and your staff about this new product, what it means, and how to sell it to your clients?

Again, your training program is the answer. From industry information and manufacturer details, to your own internal documentation, details can be shared instantly with company-wide distribution. A learning management system can make bringing your staff up to speed a breeze.

What you know is vital to accelerating your company growth. Gaining that new knowledge and sharing it can sometimes be a challenge, but a learning management system makes it easier.

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