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8 Safety Tips to Follow in Any Online Card Transactions!

Monday, 03 March 2014, 15:54 IST
By SiliconIndia

7. Use highly secured password: Password is the key to your account. Today all the banks have started giving access to a high security password where an instant password is delivered to your mobile phone when an online transaction takes place. Make that you enable it for your account too. It is highly recommended that while using a debit cards for online transactions a 3D secure code which is an extra layer of protection provided by the bank which is actually a unique password where the card holder is the only person who has access to it.

8. Check your accounts regularly: Last but not the least and it is very mandatory that you keep a track on your account statement to check when, where and how you used the card for transaction. Do this check on a regular basis and look for any transaction that you don’t recognize.  If you find any such unrecognized transaction then inform your card company as soon as possible. Even If you have been a victim of fraud and you have not being negligent with your card, PIN or online passwords, then your bank or credit card provider should reimburse you for any fraudulent purchases. It is better to register for online banking so that it’s easy for you to keep a close eye on account activity.

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