Top 5 Wireless Keyboards of 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011, 22:38 IST
By SiliconIndia
Celluon LaserKey CL850 Projection Keyboard
Celluon LaserKey CL850 Projection Keyboard

The quality of the Celluon LaserKey CL850 Projection Keyboard is that it is wireless and also backlit, and functions well. One can easily try on typing on the usual desk. The keystrokes are identified based on the combined input of a sensor and an invisible infrared layer. The price of the product is Rs.8, 333.

It is very sophisticated and an innovative device that can be used on older mobile platforms and Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 and could be taken away while traveling too. It provides both standard USB HID keyboard connectivity and non standard Bluetooth SPP connectivity. The CL850 has built in lithium ion battery power, as well as DC input power. Battery capacity is 830mAH (Max) at 3.7V.