Rumors: Is iPhone 5S in the Making?

Thursday, 15 November 2012, 21:33 IST
By SiliconIndia

Longer Battery Life?
The iPhone has never disappointed its users with the battery life. So we are hoping that the 5S would also come with a longer battery life. But this seems highly unlikely as the phone will be powered by a faster processor and graphic chips. So we can except the battery life which is similar to the previous generations of iPhones.

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NFC technology
Apple lost out the “Phone of the Year” title to its arch rivals, Samsung. Samsung Galaxy S III which is NFC enabled has crossed 50 million mark in the number of its units sold. Keeping in mind this we can expect Apple to bring in NFC into 5S. Before the launch of iPhone 5 everyone thought that it would come enabled with NFC.

Wireless Charging?
The latest Nokia Lumia smartphones come with the feature of wireless charging and this concept is fast catching on. So it won’t be a surprise if Apple also deicide to do the same.

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