Most Innovative Gadgets of All Time

Monday, 19 August 2013, 15:54 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Some gadgets have become an inseparable part of our present life that makes us think, “what would have been the world without them?”. For every gadget, there is a concept or a model from which the creation has taken place. It takes great minds put together to come up with an innovation.

Here is a compilation by Business Insider on a few innovative gadgets that changed the way we “live.”:

14. The Walkman helped people listen to music outside of their homes and cars

The walkman was introduced between the years 1979-1980. Sony was the first company to launch Walkmans. It is said to be the first mainstream gadget as people started carrying this device every where they went. The device revolutionized music listening habits of people allowing them to carry their favorite music, wherever they wanted to.

Why it's innovative: The Walkman paved way for all the other music gadgets present in the market. 

13. Google Glass is the first wearable heads-up display to grab the public's attention in a big way

Google glass, the wearable computer displays information like a Smartphone and allows usage of internet through voice commands. The glass has a built in microphone and camera. As the first ever device of its kind that grabbed public attention, Google glass created the ‘wearable technology’ trend.

Why it’s innovative: This might look like a science fiction movie glass. Google glass changed the way, people could see the world.
