Choose the Right Headphone to Suit Your Style

Thursday, 25 October 2012, 02:42 IST
By SiliconIndia

Full Size Headphones

The Full Size Headphones are the ones with large cups which fit snugly around the ear. The headphones have circular or ellipsoid ear pads that encompass the ears. They are shaped in such a way that the ambient noise is completely cut out and the listener are vanish into his music world without a worry about the rest. The best part of Full Size Headphones is that the headphones are adjustable according to the size of the listeners head and the large cups make sure that no matter what they don’t fall off. Unlike other plug in headphones that have the tendency to fall out the Full Sized one will always remain on.

But the disadvantage with these headphones is that they become too bulky to carry around.  they cannot easily be slide into the pocket and more often than not one has to carry a bag to keep them in. otherwise the other option is putting them around your neck which is ok when you are out with friends but at office or on a way to a meeting you cannot keep it around your neck. The other disadvantage is that since it cuts out the ambience noise totally one is longer aware of his surroundings which can be dangerous in a crowded country like India.

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