5 Rules to Choose the Best E-Reader

Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 22:29 IST
By SiliconIndia

2. What Size and Weight you Prefer, I Mean for E-Reader!

You are one among those who carry the reader everywhere? Then the size and weight factor matter a lot, for those who prefer light weight Amazon Kindle, Kobo eReader Touch Edition (7.1 ounces, Rs. 6,500) , Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch (7.5 ounces ), Amazon Kindle Touch (7.5 to 7.8 ounces) are the best.

When color screens and better batteries are clocked with these readers they gets bit heavier, the best among the mid-size readers or tablets are Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet, Amazon Kindle Fire, Nook Color (Rs. 10,998).

And if you think small screens will not provide an enjoyable reading experience then the best one to hold on are Amazon Kindle DX (Rs.23363), Apple iPad 2 (Rs.24500), Apple new iPad (Rs 30000 to Rs 45000) and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1(Rs.30000).
