10 Most Expensive Android Apps In The World

Monday, 05 August 2013, 15:59 IST
By SiliconIndia

#7 Vuvuzela World Cup Horn Plus
Price: Rs.10,000

Are you missing the sound of Vuvuzela’s horn since the last world cup? Do not worry! You can hear the sound whenever you like with an app named Vuvuzela World Cup Horn Plus. After downloading the app, all you need to do is just shake your phone and the horn begins, shake it again to stop. It is the most popular unofficial Vuvuzela FIFA 2010 World Cup Horn. The blast of the horn may be annoying at times, but it is a perfect app to set your mood when you will cheer your favourite team. This app is currently one among the most expensive apps on Android list.

#6 Got Cash? 
Price: Rs.10,000

If you got cash, show it off! This is what the ‘Got Cash?’ application is all about. Another expensive app that sits on your Android device’s desktop to show that you are rich to purchase this app at a whopping Rs.10000. ‘Got Cash’ is also a nonfunctional application just like ‘I’m Rich!!.’ Besides, this application is compatible with all android devices.

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