10 Exciting Eco-Friendly Gadgets

Tuesday, 05 June 2012, 21:38 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: 5th June, the world over celebrates The World Environment Day. Gadgets are always looked as instruments that cause damage to our planet. Over the past few years eco-friendly gadgets have become the talk of the town.  And now every company is following the trend on go-green gadgets. Watches, keyboards, speakers, monitors, light bulbs, cars name it and you will find an eco friendly version if the product.

Genius DX-ECO

A battery free mouse that doesn’t require to be kept on a power pad like the other battery free mice. The mouse uses a gold capacitor (supercapacitor), and unlike normal batteries, they depend on a storage cell which employs ions. It does not require any wireless power transfer to remain working. It holds charge for one entire day and it just needs 3 minutes to get recharged. With this feature it can give any mouse a run for its money.
