5 Signs Your Android Phone Is Infected With Virus

Thursday, 04 April 2013, 21:37 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: As Smartphone users, we have heard a bundle of cautions and dangers of Android malware. But the issue lies in how we could diagnose an infested device.

Here are five signs as listed out by Bitdefender that show whether your Android phone has been infested with malware.

#1 Enormous phone bills

If you have noticed, last year SpamSoldier malware had introduced an SMS botnet. This was designed with an intention to spread to other phones through SMS messages. There are other malware that takes the advantage of text messages, making users victims of enormous phone bills.

There are Trojans, which send SMS messages only at long intervals to avoid users from being suspicious. It’s better to keep a watch on your phone bills. At times mysterious subscription fees and phantom credit card charges show that something isn’t right.

#2 Data check

Most malware does not stick to phones. They want to spread or capture your phone’s data and transmit information elsewhere. You can find it if you closely notice for spikes on your data plan

But Android devices offer its customers a tool to manage data. You can find it in the settings menu; tap Data Usage in the Wireless & Networks section, which shows you how much data each app uses and even a user can set a limit by tapping the ‘set mobile data limit’ box and adjust sliders.

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