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Women Over 30 Are More Passionate About Mobile Games

Tuesday, 10 January 2012, 23:48 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Women in their 30s are more enthusiastic about mobile games and spend more than three hours per day in playing one or more mobile games. This amazing fact is revealed through a survey conducted by a mobile gaming company named MocoSpace. The study was done on 15000 gamers and concentrated on their playing habits on mobile, consoles and PCs.

The survey says that 21 percent of respondents spent an hour or more playing mobile games each day. But the most surprising finding is that 27 of percent of women over 30 spend three hours or more per day playing mobile games which is double the rate for both men and females ages 12 to 29.

"The fact that people are gaming on their mobile phones at home, often sitting a few feet away from their controller, shows that mobile is capable of grabbing and holding their interest. This data makes it clear that mobile is a viable alternative to console and PC gaming," said Justin Siegel, CEO of MocoSpace.

The report also says that only 26 per cent are playing more on their consoles, and 23 per cent are gaming more on PCs. Even though consoles have a slight win when intensive playing is taken into account, but mobile games are more popular than console games.

Some other important facts found by the survey are; mobile gaming saw a big jump in popularity year-over-year with 46 percent of MocoSpace members indicating they were spending more time playing mobile games this year as compared to last year and more than 47 percent of mobile gaming is done at home, meaning that gamers are increasingly using their leisure time at home for mobile games, rather than cramming gameplay into free moments while out of the house.
