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Top 12 Tech-Toys at Toy Fair Makes you a Kid

Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 21:29 IST
By SiliconIndia

7. Cut The Rope Apptivity:

Mattel and Cut the Rope is making serious moves with enhanced app-tivity games for iPad. This new game allows kids to use physical toys to interact with the screen of an iPad. There are various other games in this app-tivity iPad basket like; Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, special game for Hot Wheels, and many more. The price of this ‘Cut The Rope Apptivity’ game is yet to be announced.



8. Crayola Digital Light Designer:

Crayola Digital Light Designer comes with a light pen by which kids can draw in a 360-degree domed drawing surface which is made of colored LED lights.  Kids just have to pick the line thickness and the color to start their drawing; the device stores 50 drawings in a gallery playback. This creative toy will be available by September costing $49.99.
