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Top 12 Tech-Toys at Toy Fair Makes you a Kid

Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 21:27 IST
By SiliconIndia

5. Fruit Ninja Plug 'N' Play:

This is a wireless Plug 'N' Play version of Fruit Ninja by Jazwares which lets the kids to play one of their favorite mobile game- Fruit Ninja- on TV screens.  Kids have a physical sword to slice virtual fruits which gives a new gaming experience without any gaming consoles. This game will reach the market by the fall and will cost $29.



6. Fijit Friends Yippits:

Fijit Friends of last year was very popular among girls, this year girls can have a Fijit pet of their own named ‘Yippits’. These cute Yippits are dynamic interactive pets with barks, growls, dances and even learns tricks. They also interact with kids through audio "Sonic Chirp" technology. Yuppits will be ready to come home by June costing $37.99.
