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Technological Amuses: Project Jacquard, Ara, Soli, Vault And More

Tuesday, 02 June 2015, 01:03 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: In this year’s Google I/O it seemed nothing much was introduced but it is wrong. Google only didn’t launch next version of Nexus device but there are many other exciting things that were unveiled to amaze us, reports Tech2.

This year, the search giant has focused their attention towards revealing their Advanced Technology and Projects. By which ATAP has brought out many interfaces and hardware technologies that are not seen in the market before and it is most exciting part of this year’s Google I/O.

Here are the major things that were revealed in Google I/O 2015 ATAP keynote.

Project Jacquard

Google joining hands with Denim producer Levi’s in their ‘Project Jacquard’. This project brings out our favorite denim into a wearable gadget by conductive fibre woven denim wearables. The piece of miracle clothing is used to control or induce the certain functionality without reaching for a computer or Smartphone.

Project Ara

Project Ara took over the internet when Google spilled seeds regarding the project. The project is about interchangeable parts in the Smartphone just like Desktop computing, where user can replace its component according to his requirement.

Same way, the parts of the Smartphone can be replaced without using a screw driver. That’s right without dismantling the fully constructed Phone. This advancement can be the next breakthrough in Smartphone world and at Google I/O this year, Project Ara device worked well as expected by the engineers.
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