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Samsung Wins the Race of Flexible Display: Launching Next Year

Friday, 23 November 2012, 02:31 IST
By SiliconIndia


Bangalore: Today every mobile maker is trying to blow off its competitor. Samsung has been trying to win the race with innovations. The South Korean manufacturer’s latest venture into the future of mobile displays is flexible AMOLED screens. According to reports, it is in the final juncture of development and production and will be done by early next year.

Samsung had showcased its flexible AMOLED screens in 2012 Computer Electronics Show. The company wanted to release it in market last year, but got delayed.

The display technology behind it is that it uses organic materials which will make the mobile thinner. Plastic screens will be used for Samsung’s flexible OLED technology instead of glass, which will make it more lighter, durable and even bendable.

Not only Samsung, but many other mobile companies, including Sony are working on flexible displays. But Samsung is expected be the first one to launch it into market as it has reached the final stages of development; the date is not finalized though. The mass production of flexible displays is meant to “differentiate” Samsung’s products from the rest of manufacturers.
