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Report shows growing international iPhone users

Friday, 24 July 2009, 15:33 IST
By SiliconIndia

Report shows growing international iPhone users

Bangalore: BoyGeniusReport covered AdMob's latest findings, and June's data shows a growing amount of Apple iPhone and iPod touch users from outside the U.S. 54 Percent of iPhone and iPod touch users are in the U.S., leaving 46 percent outside, with France, Germany and the UK leading the international community with more than five percent share of all the Apple devices.

Meanwhile, Google's Android operating system (OS) has been gaining share and overtook Microsoft's mobile OS, as the report states, "Requests from the Android OS increased 25 percent month over month. Android has five percent worldwide OS share and is slightly ahead of Windows Mobile for the first time." Google has said that about 18 new Android models are scheduled to be released this year.