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Now Smart Phone Replaces Police Station Visits

Tuesday, 26 August 2014, 00:03 IST

NEW DELHI: Delhi Police are getting tech-savvy, and how! Be it a complaint about anything lost or stolen while travelling, or to know the status of jammed roads, or even for a police clearance certificate for immigration - all you need to do is click on a special smartphone app.

To avail of these facilities, you have to visit the Delhi Police website,, choose the web applications which includes Lost Report, Traffic Unit, and Police Clearance Certificate, and download on your smartphone. These applications were launched by Delhi Police on Feb 27, May 8 and Aug 8 respectively.

"These web applications can also be downloaded from the Google Play Store," a police officer told.

The Lost Report application helps you to register online complaints of documents or cellphones lost while travelling.

This will save the complainant precious time. From having to wait for hours to file a complaint and then getting an acceptance letter stamped by the local police, all it would require now is a click on the app.

"The application does away with the manual complaint registration process and generates the complaint through a digital interface," said the official.

According to the official, the app will be helpful to foreigners who lose their passports or identity proofs and are not able to identify the place where they lost the documents or find out the police station area where to file a complaint.

The official added that the app automatically generates a digital acknowledgement letter with a signature that will be accepted by all legal agencies.

Traffic Unit, a cell-phone based application launched by the traffic unit of Delhi Police, was launched May 8. It helps commuters get instant traffic updates, calculates the taxi and auto fares to be paid according to distance, helps file complaints of non-working traffic signals and fetches all related information for the users on their smartphones.

The mobile application is currently available on Android phones and can easily be downloaded from Google Play Store.
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