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Lenovo Launches The New Moto Z and Lenovo Phab

Tuesday, 14 June 2016, 18:30 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: In an announcement made by Lenovo at the Lenovo Tech World gathering in San Francisco, a market-ready PHAB2 Pro smart phone, and Moto Z smart-phone were launched by the Chinese multinational. PHAB2 Pro comes imbued with Google-created Tango augmented reality technology, and Moto Z can be customized with “mods”, a specialized piece of hardware that snap into place magnetically to give handsets added capabilities. This announcement by Lenovo comes just after its first modular smart-phone, G5 was revealed by LG as reported by Hindustan Times.

Holograms are enabled by PHAB2 by sensing and mapping its surroundings. The enabled holograms can be used for playing games to figuring out which size sofa would fit in a room by overlaying on real world settings. This latest smart-phone will be available at a price of $499 in September. “It is a pretty incredible piece of technology for, really, a great price,” added Tango engineering director Johnny Lee.

Another smart-phone which was launched at the event by Lenovo was Moto Z. Lenovo chief executive Yang Yuanqing termed this announcement as the most important of the event. The smart-phone comes with handsets-added capabilities due to its mods feature. This feature will enable Moto Z users to enable Moto Z project video on walls or ceilings at sizes as large as a 70-inch television screen and turn handsets into powerful speakers at the same time.

Ashton Kutcher, Hollywood star and Lenovo spokesman was present at the event and praised the new smart-phone by stating that the phone is actually a full-blown game-changer as it can transform itself according to the user’s will. A smart-phone mod program was launched by Lenovo in the event for the developers.

This program has a million-dollar prize for the developer who will integrate the best mod handset with all its services hosted in the Internet cloud. Now, this will entice the developers for sure!

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