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Galaxy Note 4 Vs iPhone: What's The Difference?

Tuesday, 28 October 2014, 01:24 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: Samsung’s front runner in the phablet phones the note series has another new addition to it. The Note 4, this new kid on the block is bundled with new features that challenges most of the flagship phones in the range, but is it better than the iPhone? Apparently it is. So, let’s find out about the best features on the new Note 4 that takes over the iPhone as compiled by the Business Insider.

# Replaceable Battery

The Note 4 is powered by a replaceable 3220 mAh battery compared to the 2915 mAh on the iPhone 6 Plus, which is non replaceable. Based on the Tech radar, the Samsung phone packs a battery much better than the Google Nexus 6, and has battery saving modes like the ‘Power saving Modes’ and ‘Ultra power saving mode’.

The Power saving mode restricts the background data and performance and gives you the option to switch to a grayscale interface which saves you power from the phone’s display. On the other hand, the Ultra power saving mode is little more intense, where it fully changes the interface to provide with access to just a few core apps like phone, texts and emails with a grayscale design.

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