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Fujitsu Designs Stylish Laptop Just for Women

Monday, 22 October 2012, 18:29 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Women are from Venus and men and are from Mars. As individuals, men and women are totally different from one another. So the creative and technical heads at Fujitsu decided to create a laptop designed especially for women and thus came about the latest gadget ‘Floral Kiss’.

Fujitsu stated: "Based upon the design concept of bringing elegance to laptops, Floral Kiss is a new series that was planned and developed primarily under the direction of female employees" as reported on CNET.

The laptop has been designed with an elegant finish and a gold trim. It comes with a flip latch which makes it easy for people with long finger nails also to use.  The power button comes with a pearl finish, the power LED and the Caps Lock Key is decorated with diamond cut stone an extra zing to it. Women love gold and Fujitsu has kept this thought in mind as a gold ring forms a frame for each key on the transparent keyboard.

Along with making the laptop attractive, Fujitsu has also added in women centric apps like a scrapbook, a personalized diary and 12 daily horoscopes. And the device is available in the royal colour purple.

But the saddest part of the intriguing news is that the gadget will only be available in Japan from 2nd November 2012 onwards. Wonder if Fujitsu would think about putting a smile on the women’s faces from across the globe?

Wonder how companies like Apple, Microsoft and the rest react to this and if they would also come up with their versions of gadgets for women?
