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Apps That Can Make You a Social Media Pro

Thursday, 30 October 2014, 01:14 IST
By SiliconIndia

# Social Mention

The Social Mention is real-time social media search and analysis tool which helps to wipe off all the user-generated content across social media sites for mentions of a given company name, brand, product or a search term. It is one of the best free listening tools on the market, and it delivers similar results that includes unique authors, reach, frequency of mentions and top keywords.

# SocialBro

A tool that can help the business better by reaching and engaging with the Twitter audience is the Social Bro. It helps you analyze followers' with their timelines and generates reports on their tweets. SocialBro identifies the key influencers and competitors and gains general analytics insights. The tool works best when coupled with scheduling tools such as Buffer or Hootsuite and it is free with the basic features on the accounts which has less than 5,000 Twitter followers on it.

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