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Apple To Launch Both iPhone 7 And iPhone 6s This Year?

Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 01:29 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: Rumors have been clouding the internet space about the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 6S’s release sometime this year. This might seem quite quick as Apple just launched it’s much awaited Smart watch and the iPhone 6 with 6 plus but rumors hint at Apple releasing both iPhone 7 and 6S in 2015, reports The Next Digit.

So with this news buzz, here is some of the eye popping tech information about the next generation iPhone 7:

Wire free Charging # Wire free Charging

Something which every Smartphone user hates is to charge the devices every now then and wired charging. So, Apple seems to have worked on it by planning on providing wireless charging feature on the new iPhone7. This gives all the more reasons to wait for it, don’t you think?

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