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Americans have more TVs than Cellphones!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012, 22:35 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Televisions still rules the entertainment market in US, when compared with the booming buzz of mobile world and internet.  The popularity of Television sets are still not beaten as most American owns more TVs than cellphones according to Nielsen report.

This fact was revealed through Nielsen’s State of Media Consumer Usage Report of 2011 which analyzed the media consumption patter in US and came out stating “Some 290 million Americans, in 114.7 million households, own at least one TV. Compare that with 234 million cellphone owners, 211 million Americans who are online, and the 116 million (ages 13 and up) who surf the mobile web”.

The report reviles that nearly one-third (35.9 million) of TV-owning households have four or more televisions. Just 17.5 million households have exactly one television, the least popular number of sets among all TV-owning households.

The report also throws light on the mobile and internet users which states “Internet users have nearly caught up with mobile users, with 234 million consumers and 211 million consumers respectively”.
