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9 Things That Need To Be Fixed In iPhone5

Tuesday, 09 October 2012, 00:33 IST
By SiliconIndia

3. The Change In The Port Isn’t Appreciated!

The moment information about the new accessories were released they attracted a lot of criticisms.  That should have been enough for Apple to realize that the accessories weren’t liked. The new Lightning connector is 80 percent smaller. The change in the ports means that all the old iPhone compactable accessories will be useless for the new iPhone 5. And change comes with a heavy price tag as the new accessories are by no means cheap.

The previous iPhones’ used the 30 pin connector and Apple has launched an adapter which will help you use the old accessories. But that also has a catch, the Video Output isn’t supported and you will have to buy the new accessories when they make their way into the market. This will be same case with the new iPods which were unveiled recently. This all seems clumsy and cumbersome.
