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9 Near Future Technologies For Amazing Smartphones

Thursday, 13 March 2014, 01:36 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: With rocket paced advancement in the field of technology, Smartphones are gaining dominance in our everyday life. Stuffed with technologies these small wonders are bringing universe to our hands. If internet, cameras, maps, music players, videos, office work and many such things makes you wonder at Smartphone’s abilities, then the built-in thermometers, flexible screens, augmented reality and others are just round the corner to daze you more. Listed below are some of the technologies that can power future Smartphones with inputs from UncoverDiscover.

#1 3D Screens & Holograms

Smartphone screens have been saturated with high definition displays and resolutions with finest pixels. Gadgets like LG Optimus 3D and Samsung AMOLED 3D comes with displays that project out images in three dimensions. The future of the Smartphone screens is thought to be that of holograms. The new technology allows you to control and interact with the device just by movements. One can resize the images on your phones screens by just shrinking the fingers or pulling them apart. The new technology will certainly open an opportunity for motion integration to be introduced into gadgets.
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