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8 Features That Make Pebble Smartwatch Superior Than Apple Watch

Thursday, 28 May 2015, 22:54 IST
By SiliconIndia

BENGALURU: The battle of the Smartwatches begins, but this time its Pebble Time Vs the Apple watch. Here are 8 things that the Pebble watch can do and what the Apple watch can’t. From being water resistant to colorful straps, the Pebble Time wins the battle. How?

If you are one among those many buyers that prefer looks and design, then the Pebble Time looses out on the Apple Watch. But there are 8 key ways that the Pebble overtakes the Apple Watch. Let’s take a look into the wide range of capabilities that the Pebble Time offers us, reports Business Insider India.

Battle for more battery juice

Pebble claims that their new smartwatch can last for seven days with a single charge, which takes the lead over the Apple Watch that claims to power-up for 18 hours and needs to be charged every night.

Battery, being the main concern for smartphone users, plays an important role in performance of tasks and tests conducted on the Pebble Time, surprises the fact that it lasts over four days on a single charge.

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