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7 Futuristic Gadgets That Will Transform Your Life In 2013

Friday, 25 January 2013, 01:37 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: Technology transforms innovation at its core, allowing companies to test new products in an accelerating speed which wasn’t the case a decade ago. Each year it expands by bringing in newer and interesting gadgets in the form of tablets, laptops, ultra books and phones

Here are 7 devices which are set to change your life in 2013. Have a brief look at 2013’s interesting developments in gadget sector.

# 7 MakerBot Replicator 2

MakerBot Replicator 2 is a higher end version of Replicator 2, a 3D desktop printer offered by MakerBot Industries, a Brooklyn based company. It is the easiest, fastest and most affordable tool for making professional quality models. The printer lets you deliver objects out of plastic in three dimensions similar to an inkjet printer that lets create objects in two dimensions.

The tool features a resolution capacity of 100 microns per layer of extruded plastic and a massive 410 cubic inch build volume. The updated features include a polished looking design of an aluminium build platform and a print area enclosed by plastic windows.
