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5 Expectations Window 8 Tablets Should Fulfill

Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 00:59 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: With the launch of Microsoft’s own Window 8 tablet dubbed a ‘Surface’ to kill iPad and all the new Window 8 devices like convertible tablets and ultrabooks showcased Computex 2012, it’s seems like Window 8 is gritty about its stand. The Surface tablet and new Window 8 devices comes with numerous nifty features, but we all yearn for more. Here are some specs and techs which we speculate from Window 8 tablets.

Connectivity Serves as a Key

Having more options for connectivity is like a blessing for users. This key factor can play a major role in the survival and can become a competitive factor for Window 8 tablets. Expecting backward-compatible USB 3.0 standard ports from Microsoft is not much to ask for. If the company really wants to please the customer it should look forward to make ‘Thunderbolt’ an integral part of all Window 8 tablets for swift connectivity with peripherals.
