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10 Wild Gadgets to Buy If You are a Millionaire

Saturday, 03 November 2012, 01:07 IST
By SiliconIndia

4. Batmobile Replica
Price: Rs.1 Crores Approximately

Who doesn’t want to be a superhero! All the guys love the superhero and want to have the gadgets that superhero owns! Well for all the diehard Batman fans you may not get all his powers but you can sure get his toys!

If you are ready to spend Rs.1 Crores then you can actually get your hands on Batmobile Replica. This replica is the officially replica of the 1966 Batmobile and it also comes with the Batphone. If you thought that was all, you are mistaken, the mobile also comes with the “Detect-a-Scope radar screen and a rocket flame thrower!

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5. Dark Knight Home Theater
Price: Rs.12 Crores Approximately

Bring home the entire Dark Knight Home Theater for Rs.12 crores. With this you can watch all the movies they way Batman would. This private theater also comes with a Batmobile hidden behind the bookshelves and life sizes Batsuits are also available along with other Bat goodies. You can also fight the evil in your city! This theater will be ready by November 2012.

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