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10 Unrouted Smartphones Poised To Continue Their Reign This Year

Friday, 06 February 2015, 02:10 IST
By SiliconIndia

BANGALORE: The New Year isn’t new anymore, our calendar has reached February and we have witnessed first-class developments in gadget world in 2015 so far. Let’s talk about the Smartphones that were released in last year and manages to shine through this year.

This is a guide, mainly for those who are planning to buy new phone this year and do not want to spend a big chunk of money. These phones are from yester year which can compete with upcoming phones of this year reports

#MOTO G (2014)

Moto GTo compete in the New Year’s race, the phones need not to possess high-end specs. Same goes with Moto G, it was launched towards the end of 2013, helped Motorola to come back into the market.

 Moto G showed everyone that there was an affordable option to get a smartphone that had pretty good features and up-to-date software to enhance the smartphone experience. As we know, days goes by the cost of Smartphones also reduce gradually. This device had been the budget phone when it was launched and it surely has more users as pitched against others.

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