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10 Things You Didn't Know About Your iPhone

Tuesday, 15 July 2014, 01:33 IST
By SiliconIndia

# Lock the camera’s Autofocus and exposure: The iPhone allows you to lock the exposure on your camera lens with the auto focusing on an image. This feature can be used when we have to focus on the main aspect of the image. It can be done by tapping the screen and holding it for like a second, where a yellow box with the options AE/AF lock comes up on the bottom on the screen. The phone will maintain this exposure level and the settings till you the click the picture.

# Find out about the Flights flying overhead: Wondered where the flight you’ve just spotted in the sky is heading to? Now looks like you can find out about them with your iPhone. Your phone can tell exactly what flights are flying above you with the help of the Voice assistant Siri.

Siri gives you information about the flight model, altitude, angle and many more information needed. It gets all the information from Wolfram Alpha.

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