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10 Most Anticipated Smartphones Of 2014

Friday, 17 January 2014, 02:45 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: 2013 quenched the tech-savvies’ thirst with curved displays, Motorola’s rebirth, Apple’s finger-print sensing iPhone 5S and more. But, now that we are into 2014, they are thirsty again and the recently concluded CES only aggravated it more. To bring some relief to them, here are 10 Smartphones to look forward to this year.

#1 Apple iPhone 6

The iPhone 5S brought 64-bit processor and finger-print sensing technology into the table. While some criticized the 5S for not being as revolutionary like its early models, it was still a hit in the mobile world. The biggest criticism seemed to be iPhone’s small display, but with every other company incorporating bigger displays in their devices, it looks like Apple has finally decided to increase the screen size of its iconic Smartphone too. According to reports, a bigger sized iPhone 6 is on its way, as early June this year.

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