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10 KitKat Features Offering All New Android Experience

Wednesday, 06 November 2013, 02:38 IST
By SiliconIndia

#9 Display gets you immersed with it

The new Android gives you the immersive experience with your mobile screen. It offers a translucent menu bar located at the bottom of the screen, and then there are new transition effects when you open an app launcher. The intrusive status and navigation bar that remained on the screen while you read books, saw videos, or played games, will be in hiding in new Android, until you swipe the edge to bring them back.  

The OS also offers full-screen wallpapers with preview and the wallpapers now extend through the notification tray and the navigation buttons.

When streaming music or projecting movies to Google Chromecast from your KitKat device, you will see full-screen album and movie art appear. And the lock-screen widgets for music and movies apps now offer the ability to seek and jump to a specific song track or movie chapter.

The Quick Settings notifications menu toggles also add a 'location settings' toggle. A new Emoji keyboard for emoticons has also been included in the native Google Keyboard.

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