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10 Cool Gadgets That will Leave you Spellbound in 2016

Tuesday, 09 February 2016, 19:42 IST
By SiliconIndia

Segway Advanced Robot

Segways has come a long way and has become more advanced than ever before. The Segway Advanced Robots aren’t just the automated robots that work as automatic vacuum cleaners, but are much more than that. This new one adds a new twist to the already modern toy of present world. It is simply a modified and better version of the old one and can also work as a personal assistant. They will not only answer the doorbell or bring the groceries, but even, turn into anything that you want.  

Samsung Modular TV- Join two TVs to make a Bigger and Better One


What if it was possible to attach two 32 inch TVs to make a 64 inch TV? Well, that kind of sounds crazy! But that’s exactly what Samsung has successfully pulled out and is coming up with a modular TV this year. At the CES 2016, the Korean Electronics giant showcased a Modular TV that can be formed by a conglomeration of number of displays which can also function independently. While the idea of modular TV is great for homes, it’s quite useful in commercial spaces.

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