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10 Amusingly Cool Gadgets of 2012

Friday, 15 June 2012, 22:39 IST
By SiliconIndia

Bangalore: It’s always interesting to watch how technology amuses us with new stuffs. From the starting of 2012 we have witness lots of electronic trade shows and mobile conferences were tech-giants reveal some of their high end products. The list which we have jotted down here includes a whole new variety of gadget which doesn’t come under any big brand, but still they are kind of cool, cute, crazy and beautiful.

Solaris Sun Shade

This is a solar power umbrella designed by Jose Vicente. This brilliant idea can give a whole new experience to your garden and outdoor restaurant outings. As most of us carry our devices along with us everywhere, and it is rejoicing when we notice that there is a place to charge our phone where we sit. This solar umbrella gives you the shade and lets you have all the fun with your devices without worrying about the power.

Pig Buddies - USB Hub

This will be the cutest gadget ever made. This is a USB hub with three thumb drives; the pig momma is the hub and the three cute little piglets are the flash drives. Normally the USD drives comes in a boring rectangular design, but this new model is stunning and absolutely different.  Hope this models hits market soon.
