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Stay Away from Common Types of Plagiarisms

Tuesday, 11 September 2018, 23:23 IST
By SiliconIndia

Plagiarism is not new in research and writing. This phenomenon gets great attention with the advanced technology. With the use of a plagiarism checker, it is easy to uncover the plagiarism. There are several types of piracy, but it is not acceptable at any level. It may range from accidental plagiarism to complete plagiarism.

Every type of plagiarism is different. While analyzing something as plagiarism, it is essential to determine whether it was unintentional or intentional.

Stay Away from Common Types of Plagiarisms

Plagiarism Types

Keep it in mind that complete plagiarism is an offense. Plagiarism and paraphrasing are two different things, so you have to consider their difference before writing. It is important to understand the types of plagiarism.

Complete Plagiarism

Complete plagiarism is a severe form in which a researcher takes a study or manuscript created by someone else and submits it under his/her name. This act is equal to stealing and intellectual theft. If you want to avoid complete plagiarism, you have to check your document with a plagiarism checker.

Plagiarism Based on Source

Plagiarism can occur because of several sources. For instance, when one research references an incorrect source, it becomes a misleading citation. Plagiarism may occur when one research uses secondary sources of information or data but cites the primary information source. These types may lead to more reference sources. It may increase the citation numbers.

Falsification and data fabrication are particular forms of piracy. Data fabrication means making research finding and data, and falsification of data involves omitting or changing data to provide a wrong impression. You may face grave consequences after this type of plagiarism, especially in medical research. This type of plagiarism can adversely affect your clinical decisions. A free plagiarism checker may not detect this type of piracy.

Direct Plagiarism

In this form of plagiarism, the author directly copies the text of other authors without quotation marks and attribution. In this way, it is complete plagiarism. A plagiarism check tool can help you to run a quick plagiarism check. You may get a penalty for this kind of plagiarism. It is uncommon, but a severe infraction of ethics and rules.

Auto or Self-Plagiarism

Auto-plagiarism or duplication is common when a writer reuses a particular portion of his/her published work without any attribution. This plagiarism involves published researchers instead of university students. The consequences of this plagiarism are under debate. Several academic journals have harsh criteria on the percentage of reusable work. You have to run you have to run your script through a plagiarism checker before reusing your data.

Paraphrasing Plagiarism

It is a common type of plagiarism. The writer may do minor changes in sentences to make them his/her sentences. Even if you change the words while keeping the main idea same, you are still doing plagiarism. Students don’t have a clear understanding of this plagiarism. They must follow the recommendations of teachers to decrease the risk of plagiarism. Check your work with plagiarism checker free after its completion.

Wrong Authorship

Misleading attribution and wrong authorship may occur in two manners:

  • In false authorship, all authors have a contribution to a menu script, but they don’t take credit for this work. Misleading attribution means when one author gets credit for a job without becoming its part. It is plagiarism and violation of research rules.

  • Sometimes, a person who edits a manuscript often commits this plagiarism. It is recommended to acknowledge the actual contributors of a publication, even if these people are not listed.

Mosaic Plagiarism

A plagiarism checker may not detect this type of plagiarism. It interlays the text or phrases of someone else within its research. This type of plagiarism also called patchwork plagiarism, and it is considered dishonesty.

Accidental Plagiarism

To avoid unintentional plagiarism, a writer must check for plagiarism with a plagiarism checker. Plagiarism is accidental if it happened because of accidental paraphrasing, mistake or neglect. Students may commit this type of plagiarism, so universities have their plagiarism check tool to check plagiarism.

If you want to create an academic paper or entertainment blog, you have to check for plagiarism your content with a plagiarism checker to remove plagiarism. Unique content will help you to improve the ranking of your website. You can prove your credibility and skills by avoiding plagiarism in your writing.

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